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The less you pay in interest, the more money you have available for other things in life. We at Legacy are all about helping our members succeed, so we keep rates incredibly low. At the same time, we also keep our fees low, too. To make things easy for members, we keep our fees simple and straightforward. That way, you know what fees you’ll need to pay and what you need to do to avoid paying additional fees. See below for our rates and fees.

Savings Account Rates

Type Term/Amount APY
Daily Share/Club IRA Balance $100.00 to $2,499.99 0.10%
$2,500.00 to $39,999.99 0.30%
$40,000.00 to $99,999.99 0.40%
$100,000.00 and Up 0.50%
Club Accounts All Balances 0.10%
Incentive Savings $0 to $1,000 5.00%
$1000 and Up 0.25%
Certificate and IRA 91 Days 2.50%
5 Months 4.00%
6 Months 4.00%
9 Months 3.90%
12 Months 3.75%
13 Months 3.75%
15 Months 3.50%
18 Months 3.50%
24 Months 3.50%
25 Months 3.50%
30 Months 2.50%
36 Months 2.75%
48 Months 3.00%
60 Months 3.25%
Preferred Money Market $0 to $9,999.99 0.05%
$10,000.00 to $24,999.99 0.45%
$25,000.00 to $49,999.99 1.00%
$50,000.00 to $99,999.99 1.00%
$100,000.00 to $249,999.99 2.50%
$250,000+ 2.50%

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield.

Rates are current as of 3/26/2025 and are subject to change without notice.

Loan Rates

Personal Loans
Type Term APR Payment
36 Months As low as 9.75%
48 Months As low as 10.75%
60 Months As low as 12.75%
Secured Loan
Type Term APR Payment
Shared Secured 48 Months 4.50% Monthly payment of $22.80 per $1,000.00 borrowed
CD Secured Maturity Date of CD 2.00% over CD rate
Vehicle Loans
Years Term APR Payment
2023 – 2025 Up to 48 Months As low as 4.90% Monthly payment of $23.14 per $1,000.00 borrowed
49 – 63 Months As low as 4.95% Monthly payment of $18.31 per $1,000.00 borrowed
64-75 Months As low as 5.25% Monthly payment of $16.02 per $1,000.00 borrowed
76 – 84 Months As low as 6.25% Monthly payment of $15.04 per $1,000.00 borrowed
2021 – 2022 Up to 48 Months As low as 5.00% Monthly payment of $23.26 per $1,000.00 borrowed
49 – 63 Months As low as 5.25% Monthly payment of $18.43 per $1,000.00 borrowed
64-75 Months As low as 6.00% Monthly payment of $16.26 per $1,000.00 borrowed
76 – 84 Months As low as 6.75% Monthly payment of $15.09 per $1,000.00 borrowed
2019 – 2020 Up to 48 Months As low as 5.75% Monthly payment of $23.83 per $1,000.00 borrowed
49 – 63 Months As low as 6.00% Monthly payment of $19.01 per $1,000.00 borrowed
64-75 Months As low as 6.75% Monthly payment of $16.62 per $1,000.00 borrowed
2016 – 2018 Up to 48 Months As low as 6.75% Monthly payment of $24.30 per $1,000.00 borrowed
49 – 63 Months As low as 7.00% Monthly payment of $19.49 per $1,000.00 borrowed
Motorcycle/RV Loans/ATV’s
Years Term APR Payment
2022 – 2025 Up to 48 Months As low as 5.50% Monthly payment of $23.37 per $1,000.00 borrowed
49 – 63 Months As low as 5.75% Monthly payment of $18.54 per $1,000.00 borrowed
64 – 75 Months As low as 6.00% Monthly payment of $16.14 per $1,000.00 borrowed
76 – 84 Months As low as 7.00% Monthly payment of $15.22 per $1,000.00 borrowed
2018 – 2021 Up to 48 Months As low as 6.75% Monthly payment of $23.95 per $1,000.00 borrowed
49 – 63 Months As low as 7.25% Monthly payment of $19.25 per $1,000.00 borrowed
64 – 75 Months As low as 7.75% Monthly payment of $16.99 per $1,000.00 borrowed
76 – 84 Months As low as 8.25% Monthly payment of $15.84 per $1,000.00 borrowed
Boat + Personal Watercraft
Years Term APR* Payment
2022 – 2025 Up to 48 Months As low as 5.75% Monthly payment of $23.37 per $1,000.00 borrowed
49 – 63 Months As low as 6.00% Monthly payment of $18.54 per $1,000.00 borrowed
64 – 75 Months As low as 6.25% Monthly payment of $16.14 per $1,000.00 borrowed
76 – 84 Months As low as 7.25% Monthly payment of $15.22 per $1,000.00 borrowed
2018 – 2021 Up to 48 Months As low as 7.00% Monthly payment of $23.95 per $1,000.00 borrowed
49 – 63 Months As low as 7.50% Monthly payment of $19.25 per $1,000.00 borrowed
64 – 75 Months As low as 8.00% Monthly payment of $16.99 per $1,000.00 borrowed
76 – 84 Months As low as 8.50% Monthly payment of $15.84 per $1,000.00 borrowed

Vehicle Loans 

75-month financing requires a minimum loan amount of $15,000. 76-84-month financing requires a minimum loan amount of $25,000.
Rates and maximum loan terms available based on vehicle age and creditworthiness of borrower. 2012 or older require Loan Committee approval.
Rates are current as of 3/26/2025 and are subject to change without notice.
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates are based on creditworthiness.

Personal Loans

Rates are current as of 3/26/2025 and are subject to change without notice.
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. For open-ended advances, interest is charged from the date of advance. Rates are based on creditworthiness.

Secured Loan

Rates are current as of 3/26/2025 and are subject to change without notice.

*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates are based on creditworthiness.

Motorcycle/RV/ATV Loans 

75-month financing requires a minimum loan amount of $15,000. 76-84-month financing requires a minimum loan amount of $25,000.
Terms up to 120 months may be considered for Recreational Vehicles with Loan Amounts in Excess of $50,000.

Rates are current as of 3/26/2025 and are subject to change without notice.

*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates are based on creditworthiness.

Boat + Personal Watercraft

Rates are current as of 3/26/2025 and are subject to change without notice.

Checking Account Rates

Engage Checking APY*
Up to $15,ooo.oo** 3.00%
$15,000.01 or More** 0.00%
When Monthly Qualifications Aren’t Met 0.00%
Everyday Checking 0.00%
Preferred Money Market*** APY*
$0 – $9,999.99 0.05%
$10,000.00 – $24,999.99 0.20%
$25,000.00 – $49,999.99 0.30%
$50,000.00 – $99,999.99 0.65%
$100,000.00 – $249,999.99 0.75%
$250,000 + 1.00%

Rates are current as of 3/26/2025 and are subject to change without notice.

* APY = Annual Percentage Yield
** Terms and conditions apply
*** Certain Transaction limits apply

Credit Card Rates

Credit Cards APR*
VISA Platinum Preferred 8.90%
VISA Platinum 12.90%
Shared Secured VISA 12.90%
Student VISA 12.90%


*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates are based on creditworthiness and card type.

Rates are subject to change without notice.

Click Here For More Details on Credit Cards

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